OAG Outpatient Services

Maximizing efficiency, and delivering exceptional patient care.


Welcome to OAG Outpatient (OAG-O), where our commitment to Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) reflects our dedication to growth, efficiency, quality, and strong partnerships.

In an era where the future of healthcare is increasingly centered around outpatient surgery, OAG-O stands at the forefront, driven by a team of highly skilled anesthesiology specialists who understand the vital importance of relationships and delivering outstanding outpatient care. OAG-O is prepared to navigate and lead in this transformative era, leveraging our expertise to adapt to the changing dynamics of healthcare delivery.


At OAG-O, we recognize the pivotal role that ASCs play in the evolution of healthcare. Our commitment to outpatient growth is rooted in the understanding that these centers are the cornerstone of a healthcare landscape that is shifting towards more accessible and convenient solutions for patients. By actively engaging with ASCs, we aim to contribute to the expansion of outpatient services, ensuring that quality care is delivered in a setting that prioritizes patient convenience and recovery.


Efficiency is at the core of OAG-O's approach to outpatient care. We understand the unique demands of ASCs, where streamlined processes directly impact patient satisfaction and overall outcomes. Our team of outpatient anesthesia specialists is adept at optimizing workflows, minimizing wait times, and enhancing overall operational efficiency. Our professionals not only possess the technical expertise required for outpatient procedures but also understand the significance of building strong relationships with ASCs, maximizing efficiency, and delivering exceptional patient care.


OAG-O places a relentless focus on the quality of the patient and surgeon experience. We believe that every patient deserves a personalized and compassionate healthcare experience, especially in the outpatient setting. Our specialists are committed to building strong patient-provider relationships, fostering trust, and delivering quality care that goes beyond medical procedures. We also prioritize the specific needs of our surgeons, creating an environment where they feel heard, supported, and confident in the care of their patients.


We believe in the power of strong partnerships. We work closely with ASC leadership, surgeons, and staff to develop a deep understanding of your specific needs and goals. We foster open communication and collaboration, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards shared success.

Learn more about how OAG can help your ASC thrive in the future of healthcare.

Ready to partner with OAG-O?

Contact us today at partnership@oagpc.com to learn more about how we can help your ASC thrive in the future of healthcare.

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